Sunday, July 10, 2011

What to do when there's nothing to do, part 2

I am a boutique photographer and my favorite sessions are newborn sessions.  I LOOOVE little baby sessions.  Newborns are the best models, God has already granted them adorableness so all I have to do is capture that in my lens.  It's like taking a picture of a sunset over the ocean, you really can't screw it up...though believe me, there are some "photographers" out there who have the ability to do so.  Anyhow, because I love baby photography I love baby props.  Not the Olan Mills studio kind of props, I'm referring to boutique props like pettiskirts, tutus, bowls, baskets, blankets...all with a rustic, antique, or homemade feel.  My favorite prop is crocheted hats.  Sadly, hats can get fairly pricey, they go for about $20-$35 on etsy.  So one day I decided I'd try to make my own.  About an year ago You-Tubed some how to videos and after about 5 hours I gave up.  However, since my husband is deployed now I find myself with a lot of spare time on my hands.  So I visited You-Tube again and within 3 days I was crocheting my hands off.  It's not something I'd dedicate my life to, but it gives me something to do when there's nothing else going on.  And since I accidently over-budgeted and put all of our money in savings this month (I'm not taking it back out either), I'm kinda stuck at the house until we get paid again.  So since I can't mail any packages this week (for a lack of moo-la) there's no point in baking and decorating cookies or boxes, so I've pulled the ole yarn out of the cabinet.  Here's a taste of what I've been up to this week...


  1. those turned out some good! i especially love the penguin and the owl.

  2. Thank you. I love the not-so-typical hats...they are more whimsical and fun. I especially like the penguin hat. I'm trying to come up with something else to make, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
